About Us


Government Technical Teachers Training College was established by the then Directorate of Technical Education in 2002 and made functional in 2004.  GTTTC ,a public Sector TVET Teachers Training facility, evolved from the already existing Teachers Training Wing (TTTW) at GCT Peshawar and its merger with the Staff Training College (TTC) , Industrial Estate Hayatabad of Manpower department due the merger of the two Directorates of Technical Education and Main Power Training  in 2002 .In 2016 GTTTC was conceived  as a Center of Excellence and MOU was signed between KP-TEVTA  and  NAVTTC with assistance from TVET Sector  Support Program  in order to establish  state of the art facility for  Teachers Training and Model Competency Based Training for replication in other TVET Institute under KP-TEVTA. After completion of the Project for transformation of the College, on 26th November 2021 GTTTC was properly inaugurated as Center of Excellence. The center is offering approved mandatory training for TVET Teachers and Instructors of 3 and 6 months duration beside skill up gradation training in 17 different trades.  The Philosophy of Vocational Training i.e Competency Based Training (CBT), on model basis, is also being offered in all 17 different trades, not only to showcase CBT methodology but at the same time serve the local community as well.

The college has qualified Trained/Certified Chief Master Trainers and   Leaders assessors and enjoys a good partnership with the local industry and contemporary organizations and aspire to get networked with International TVET Teachers Training organizations for experience sharing, learning and potential joint ventures.

Everyday at the CoE-GTTTC is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.

Dr. Hazrat Hussain — Principal
CoE-GTTTC at a Glance
Current Enrollments
Qualified Staff
Clubs & Activities
Active PTFA Members
Mission Statement

Prepare competent TVET managers, Teachers and Students to elevate quality of TVET while ensuring inclusion and sustainability in fulfilling labor market needs


Become a leading TVET teaching and learning facility in Pakistan by adopting internationally recognized TVET standards with focus on quality assurance, inclusion and sustainability

Concept of Centre of Excellence:

The concept of Centre of Excellence (CoE) means an excellent state of the art, accredited TVET institute having functional organizational structure, strategizing steering position for all HRD activities that provides focused training programs for the TVET trainers. The center will also conduct student training chiefly for the purpose to demonstrate practical aspect of the training in consonant with the demand of industry. The CoE also collaborates with other institutes of the sector knows as satellite centers for the professional development of trainers. The CoE furnishes standard training services and disseminate best practices and also serves as a resource center.

The concept of CoE encompasses an arrange of compulsory attributes. These attributes are referred to as “key features” of the CoE. The key features are divided in services delivered by the CoE, systems to be used, quality safeguards to be complied with and governance attributes to be met.